1st Street N.E. is a busy spot – pedestrian and bike traffic coming from Rotary Park share the road with cars and vehicles that speed through the neighbourhood. To address this, residents in the area suggested that some form of traffic calming was needed. At the end of September, Crescent Heights Community Association used their $750 ActivateYYC microgrant to hold a “Cone-versation” along the road. 1st Street was closed – using a Street Use Permit and some City help – and traffic cones were put out to show different traffic solutions. Residents and passerby were invited to join the festival and give their thoughts on the proposed changes.
One of the things that residents learned was the different ways a street could be used, like a street hockey game between firefighters and kids! Many cone-versations took place between the 100 residents, pathway users and City of Calgary representatives that attended, while Zumba, a bike course, street hockey and sidewalk chalk all added to the fun while bringing people together!