Banff’s Bargain Blades

Ice skating is an age-old winter pastime, but not everyone has skates. To help make ice skating more accessible, the Banff Trail Community Association built Banff’s Bargain Blades benches that sit near the outdoor ice rink. These aren’t just regular benches though; the bench seat lifts to reveal donated skates that can be used by any Banff Trail resident!

At the Banff Trail Neighbour Day Celebration, residents were encouraged to donate their old skates, and the organizers where pleased to see how happy children were to donate. The benches will serve not only to hold the skates but also as a place to sit while lacing up before hitting the ice. Since the benches will be placed on community association land, no permits were needed, and the $750 ActivateYYC grant went towards constructing the two benches.