Ramsay Botanist and Botanical Garden

Dreaming isn’t just for the sleepy, especially in Ramsay where the Botanist encourages the community to keep dreaming! The botanist is a wooden robot that sits in a garden plot in the Ramsay Community Garden. Its chest holds wildflower paper and pencils, and residents can write their dream on a piece of wildflower paper, plant it and watch it grow into a beautiful flower. July 7th, 2018 was the annual Ramsay Stampede Party, as well as the unveiling of the Ramsay Botanist and Botanical Garden.

This event attracted around 200 residents, with one resident being a small child who was so excited to plant his wish using every single garden tool he could find. The Botanist also serves as a unique art installation, which adds character to the community garden. No permits were needed to complete this project, so reGenerate Design could put the full $750 ActivateYYC grant towards construction of the Botanist.