Brentwood Easter Scavenger Hunt

Brentwood was a “hopping” place to be this Easter! Over 100 residents participated in the Brentwood Easter Scavenger Hunt, which impressed the organizers. The festivities included crafts, games, the scavenger hunt and, of course, prizes! The Easter Scavenger Hunt encouraged participants to walk around the community, engage with local business, and of course fostered some friendly competition by featuring a grand prize. The organizers are proud to host events, such as the Easter Scavenger Hunt, that promote building connections among neighbours. This event was a first in Brentwood and was such a success that the organizers are planning to host a similar one next Easter.

No permits, approvals, or licenses were needed for this event because it was hosted at the Brentwood Sportsplex – which meant that the $750 ActivateYYC grant was used towards the event activities. Brentwood also received gift card donations that helped with the cost of the event.