Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill Pathway Project

HHBH applied to ActivateYYC with a location in mind, ready to make Lions Park more accessible for community residents. After walking through the park and assessing the best area to focus on, the group decided to focus their attention on a critical pathway that connects C-Train riders to the street. By revitalizing this pathway and emphasizing the street, it would lead people towards it instead of down the nearby alleyways. Another key issue they wanted to address was lighting.

After obtaining all the proper permits and discussing with different city departments, on August 24, the community came out to participate in the Paint the Pavement project. The day before, a few community members helped prep the area and paint on the white base. On Saturday, over forty people contributed to the mural at the end of 17th Street NW. The sidewalk leading from the road into Lions Park was painted to look like a river. Solar lighting features were added in over the next two weeks, due to weather constraints.