Millican-Ogden Bump-out Art

Group: Millican-Ogden Community Association
Date: 2023
Location: Millican-Ogden, SE

The Millican-Ogden CA worked with the City of Calgary via the Federation to advocate for traffic safety devices. The City installed traffic calming curbs in key locations (near schools), which have helped to slow vehicle traffic, decrease cut through traffic, and increase safety.

The Activate YYC grant enabled the group to hire local artist Mike Hooves, to beautify the traffic calming curbs, leading to a sense of wonder and pride in the community. Since the project has been installed, the community has heard enthusiastic comments from their neighbourhoods about how they love the art on the curbs – “it’s so colourful and represents the wildlife we often see living in our neighbourhood”.

Additionally, the artists saved three birds that were trapped in some netting on the sports field– it was very poetic!