A total of five Little Free Libraries have been installed throughout the Shawnee Evergreen communities in association with Shawnee Evergreen Community Association (SECA). The project involved the promotion, location, design, construction, and installation of the libraries. Each library has a steward or caretaker living close by their library as well as a message board that enables SECA to post community news and events. There seems to be a new openness and eagerness from residents to engage with and support the community association. This project has brought the value of becoming a welcome “feel good” story in the midst of eighteen months of COVID restrictions. The project created new connections between SECA and residents in the community and most of the library stewards are new volunteers to SECA.
Three SECA volunteers worked in the Kerby Seniors Centre woodworking workshop alongside two Kerby volunteers (expert woodworkers) to build four Little Free Libraries using a plan found online. Overall, this was done with the help of 17 volunteers and 30 participants with a cost of $3,170.78.