Friends of Centre Ave Traffic Calming

Group: Friends of Centre Ave
Date: 2023
Location: Bridgeland, NE

The Friends of Centre Ave, is a grassroots group that is looking to create a better physical realm on a stretch of long term care facilities in the community of Bridgeland. This road lacked sidewalks, proper crosswalks, or any connectivity to the many amenities available in the community. 

The community came together to paint TC curbs, paint the road, and install signage along Centre Ave between 12 and 11th street to build towards the vision of creating “The Most Age-Friendly Green Street in Calgary. 

“The ActivateYYC grant was a critical tool to helping showcase what an age-friendly street could look like, and in activating conversations with the City around longer term planning for the road.” – Heather Chapple, lead organizer.

A key part of installing TC curbs and painting them was to create safer crossing spaces for seniors entering and leaving the George Boyack long term care home. On painting day, TC curbs were installed on either side of a sidewalk that had often been blocked by cars, but acts as the primary access point for people using mobility devices to enter the facility.

As the group was was painting the curbs, a woman using a motorized wheelchair came up the road, passed through the TC curbs, and entered the sidewalk. As she passed, she said “wow, I usually can’t get up on this sidewalk and have to use the parking lot to come through on my wheelchair”. For the group that felt like a huge win, and it is proof that they were indeed making a more comfortable and safe street for seniors.