DARK AND DINGY NO MORE!ActivateYYC was honoured to play a small part in funding and supporting this brilliant project. The Ramsay Community Association (@ramsaycommunityassociation) and local artists Caitlind R.C. Brown…
Category: Featured ActivateYYC Projects

Crescent Heights BIA Bench Renewal
This summer, Crescent Heights BIA (@crescentheightsvillage) did something pretty sweet. Using an @ActivateYYC microgrant they engaged with 3 local artist groups to paint 8 benches that are now spread across the business…

Brentwood 40th Ave Underpass Mural
Who said underpasses had to be underwhelming? Brentwood Community Association applied for an ActivateYYC Grant to address a not-so-fun 40th Avenue underpass in its community. This stretch is a well…

Westmount Charter Bus Lane Bubbles
ActivateYYC partnered with Westmount Charter School (@wcselementary) to find a fun way to mark off the bus lane on the road immediately next to the school. Pickup and drop off…

Killarney Pop-up Plaza
Christian Life Assembly (@cla.calgary) received an ActivateYYC grant, and went all out to create a new community park space in their parking lot. They included turf, patio furniture, solar string…

Greenview 'Urban Painter' Mural
The Urban Painter (@theurbanpainter) partnered with ActivateYYC and local artists @nasarimba_ to produce a mural inspired by colouring book pages that would bring people together, and celebrate our local landmarks.…

Killarney Glengarry Park Seating
Killarney Glengarry Community Association (@kgca.yyc) received an ActivateYYC Grant to create more seating across their neighbourhood parks spaces. They were able to benefit from a generous discount from the local…

New Brighton Lemonade Stand
BEAT THE HEAT with the New Brighton Travelling Lemonade Stand.New Brighton Residents Association and New Brighton Community Association received an ActivateYYC grant to create a travelling and rentable lemonade/hot chocolate…

University Heights Paint the Pavement
University Heights Community Association received an ActivateYYC grant and partnered with local schools to create safer crossings and intersections in their neighbourhood. Over 160 students submitted artwork, and a select…

Calgary Girls Charter School Activations
Calgary Girls Charter School (@calgirlsschool) and art teacher Zoey Graf (@art_inquiry) did an incredible job of integrating cheap and cheerful improvements to their school space. Sidewalk murals, matching plywood fence…